Wednesday, November 08, 2006

We have a Log In Date with the CCAA!!!!


We finally have received word of our log in date (LID) with the CCAA. Our Documents to China (DTC) date is 8/10/2006 and our LID is 9/1/2006.............earlier than I thought it'd be!!!!!

Praise GOD!!!!! I'm 2 months pregnant (paper pregnant that is!! :) :) !!!!!!!

We also received news that the CCAA is working on completing referrals for February 2006 (the LID is in February), while working on some all the way in April (the ones in February that aren't finished are waiting on answers to questions).

April is only 5 months before our LID!!!! We could be out of the review room within a few months!!!! Then off to the matching room (currently they're still finishing August 2005:( ).........the wait may be long, but we're in for the long ride!!! :) :) :)

Thanks everyone!!!!



Alisha said...

Gary and Terri,
I am so happy you've finally found out. And what a great surprise to be so early too! Sorry I've been MIA. Blessings

Anonymous said...


Just had an opportunity to spend some time looking at blogs from our Ladybug group! Congrats again on your LID! I am happy to be sharing in this journey with you.
