Saturday, September 09, 2006

10 Reasons Why Adoption is Better than Pregnancy

10 Reasons Why Adoption is Better than Pregnancy

Don't fret if you are following the path of adoption after the road of infertility;
here are 10 reasons that adoption is better than pregnancy - feel free to comment on these or add more reasons!Here it goes.....

10. No morning sickness
9. No stretch marks
8. No one can give you a hard time for not breast feeding
7. No need to spend all that money on maternity clothes only to wear them for a few months
6. No weight gain (that is as long as you don't sit around eating chocolate & moping about the long wait - stay active!)
5. My daughter won't have my "Thornton Thunder Thighs," butt, or anything else that's a curse! (she might even have a chance at being "thin" ~~~~~~)
4. No need for a tummy tuck when it's over
3. You don't have to slow's actually better to stay busy and active. (we've really started LOSING weight)
2. Your shoes still fitand best of all...
1. You will still get the child God made for you!!

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